Hemp fiber has been used past mankind to make eco clothes since earlier recorded history. It is currently thought that hemp is the oldest cultivated plant in the world with uses dating back to the stone age. Bits of hemp fabric have been establish dating back to most 8,000 B.C. revealing the oldest example of human being industry. Cobweb imprints have been found in pottery shards in both People's republic of china and Taiwan dating dorsum an estimated x,000 years. Archeologists believe that, in addition to flax, hemp has been weaved since the Neolithic period right through to the middle ages. Hemp has a more contempo history as well in a variety of applications (including an important office in early America) and has been a very valuable crop leading up to the modernistic era.

While the fiber is one of the most valuable parts of the hemp constitute (usually referred to as Bast) used in the creation of textiles, industrial hemp has a wide range of uses including but non limited to paper, cordage, bio-fuel, health nutrient and biodegradable plastics. While truly a remarkable plant, the purpose of this article is to examine the apply of hemp fiber in the manufacturing of textiles and ultimately wearable. Nosotros will too look at the sustainability of hemp as a crop only highly encourage you to inquiry and explore some of the other roles this important establish plays. You will undoubtedly be led into an eye-opening and wondrous path regarding hemp's many uses and colorful history.

Crop Sustainability:

Different cotton, which accounts for approximately 50% of all chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, etc.) used in American agriculture today, hemp requires virtually none. Hemp is naturally resistant to virtually pests and grows very densely. Every bit a event, it does not demand chemicals having practically no weed or insect enemies. It has been noted that when grown in rotation, pests in future crops are actually reduced. In add-on, the plant is an excellent source of oxygen production. With each growth bicycle the soil is renewed returning from 60-70% of the nutrients information technology takes. Its long roots aerate soil for the benefit of hereafter crops, remove toxins and prevent soil erosion every bit well. As a ingather, hemp requires lilliputian to no fertilizer and grows quickly and effortlessly in moderate climates. From a cost perspective, hemp is less expensive to subcontract considering of its minimal growth requirements. Canadian hemp farmers are earning 10X the revenue per acre than American grain farmers making hemp a feasible alternative to crops experiencing reduced demand. Perhaps tobacco farmers should take discover!

Compared to cotton or flax, hemp is considered a high-yield crop producing significantly more cobweb per square foot and with less water requirements. When grown on the aforementioned land, hemp will produce twice the amount of cobweb as cotton and six times that of flax. It would take four acres of trees to yield the same amount of fiber as a mere one acre of hemp. In other words, hemp tin can yield 4X the amount of fiber of an average size forest. What an extremely productive natural fiber! Trees on the other mitt require fifty to 500 years to abound were every bit hemp can yield three to four times annually (approx. 100 day life cycle). Hemp cultivation could significantly decrease if not completely end the destruction of our forests!

Hemp Fiber:

Up until the 1920'southward, approx. fourscore% of all garments were fabricated from hemp textiles. Even the now famous Levi Strauss used a lite weight hemp canvas for its original pair of jeans. Since that time, hemp has been used to make many types of garments and accessories. Big names such equally Patagonia, Adidas, Calvin Klein, Giorgio Armani and Ralph Lauren have recently marketed products fabricated from hemp.

The valuable bast fibers, which give the plant its strength, are contained inside the hollow wood-like core of the plants stem under the outer most bawl. Grown densely packed (upwardly to 150 plants per square meter), tall plants suitable for the production of the long primary bast fibers are the consequence. The hemp fibers run the length of the plant anywhere from three to fifteen ft long.The principal fibers boilerplate eight" in length and can be spun or woven into a fine linen-similar blazon textile. These fibers are now commonly composite with other fibers such equally flax, cotton fiber, wool, linen or silk.A variety of tactile experiences can be created by weaving hemp as intricately as lace, polish equally silk or equally coarse as burlap. Modern hemp blends created today for the garment industry are cool to touch and comfy to wear. While hemp garments are often insufficiently more expensive than those made from cotton wool due to higher processing costs and limited quantities, its superiority is clear.

One of the virtually commonly known attributes well-nigh hemp fiber is its exceptional tensile force which is 3X that of cotton. In addition, the fiber is naturally antimicrobial and resistant to ultraviolet light too every bit mold, mildew, heat and insects which makes it excellent for outdoor vesture. The fiber is not only many times more than durable than cotton wool but warmer, softer and more water absorbent. This also makes hemp more absorptive to dyes and thus less prone to fading. Because of hemp'due south superior insulating properties, information technology keeps you warm in the wintertime and absurd in the summer. Hemp fibers actually soften with each washing without fiber degradation. Hemp production uses significantly less chemicals than cotton fiber which makes it more sustainable and naturally more suitable for people with chemical sensitivities. The fiber is completely biodegradable, holds its shape every bit good equally polyester but also has breathability. The fibers, which are naturally light in color, require little or no bleach.

Fiber to fabric:

While it is legal in the US to ain hemp products such as clothing and foods derived from the found, it is illegal to cultivate information technology hither. This makes the US the only industrialized nation on earth that does non allow its production based on a law that does not brand the stardom between industrial hemp from marijuana. All hemp fabric is therefore imported. The primary countries supplying hemp to the The states include Red china, Republic of hungary, Thailand, Romania and Republic of chile with product coming from other nations including Australia, England, Canada and New Zealand as well.

The basic process of creating hemp fabric for garments is four fold:

  • Separation of the fiber
  • Spinning/Weaving the fiber into Yarn
  • Cleaning/Softening
  • Dyeing/Finishing

Centuries old traditional eco-friendly methods of mechanical hemp processing are still used in countries such as Romania and Hungary. Modern methods include chemic rather than mechanical processes which are faster, less labor intensive and ultimately less expensive. Unfortunately, there are manufacturers out there who are more than interested in profits and as a result opt for the chemical methods every bit opposed to protecting the health of the consumer and our environment.

The process of separating the bast fibers from the stalk is called "retting". The organic methods of separation are both natural and mechanical. The retting process breaks down pectin and lignin, the substances that mucilage the fibers to the stem core. Two natural retting techniques are dew and h2o retting. Both methods use a bacterial action to break down the mucilage, the former aided past dew or rain where as the later takes the bundled hemp and floats information technology in water to loosen the cobweb from the stem.In dew retting, stalks are first cut in to 12-xviii" lengths and are then left in the moist fields. In order for the stalks to dry, they are then racked together every few days followed past bailing when drying and retting is complete. The dew retting process takes approx. two-3 weeks to finish based on weather conditions. In water retting, the stalks are soaked for approx. xx days to loosen the cobweb. This method produces a college quality cobweb but is costly and if the water is not tending of properly can pollute the body of water used in the process. In both methods, the stems must besides be monitored to avoid excessive deposition.

A seemingly primitive labor intensive mechanical process is called scutching One time the stems are removed and washed, they are browbeaten to remove the soft tissue. This is followed by drying so that merely the fibers remain. More modern mechanical methods use steam and specially designed machinery on site to separate the fiber from the hurd (the pulp by-product after fiber is removed). In eastern Europe the master means of processing rely on traditional organic methods including new cleaner biologically-based enzyme technology. In contrast, China, the worlds leading producer of hemp fabric uses chemical methods of processing.

Spinning hemp cobweb in to yarn which is and then weaved or knitted into garments is substantially the same for hemp processed by chemic or organic means. The only real divergence betwixt the two is the fiber length. Organic fibers are generally longer whereas chemically processed hemp becomes "cottonized" and tends to have short cobweb. The spinning equipment may vary as a result only the process remains same.

Organic cleaning and softening methods and machinery are currently being researched and developed by ecologically-minded hemp textile manufacturers. This enables the fabric to remain organic and chemic free equally well equally retain its softness and durability, a characteristic that is often diminished using chemical ways. The natural light colour of hemp fiber prevents the need to use toxic chlorine bleach. If lightening is admittedly necessary, an eco-friendly not-toxic alternative is hydrogen peroxide.

The environmental friendliness involving the dyeing and finishing of hemp textile varies greatly effectually the globe. In the US, in that location are laws in place which regulate the types of dyes and dyeing methods being used, especially in CA where many dye houses exist. The dye itself is some other consideration. The toxic content of the dye as well every bit the disposal of excess dye and chemicals decide the measure of impairment done to the environment. The proper disposal of the waste is of the utmost importance in order to minimize whatever potentially detrimental ecology effects.

Hemp garments tin can be dyed or left in a "natural" land, which means no dye at all. When left un-dyed, garments come in varying shades of beige which is the natural color of the hemp fibers afterward processing. An obvious consideration for a sustainable garment business organization would exist to cull dyes which are the last harmful to the environment (such every bit low affect and fiber-reactive dyes made from natural components that are water soluble containing no heavy metals). In addition, it is essential to work with dye houses that apply such dyes and employ strict ecological safety measures too. Every bit important is to eliminate or at to the lowest degree moderate the amount of synthesized chemicals used in the finishing procedure in an attempt to increase the fabrics overall sustainability. Finishing tin involve anything from applying compounds to improve smoothness, stiffness and strength to processes that change surface appearance and texture. Eco-friendly methods of both dyeing and finishing have been adult.

At that place are chemic processes that can exist used at each stage of turning fiber into material and textile into garments. We encourage transparency at every level from the field to the factory so merchants and consumers alike tin make the near educated choices possible regarding the products they wish to either sell or vesture. The process of growing is only half the equation when creating healthy organic and/or sustainable garments. The diverse stages of processing must be washed using methods that take into consideration the health of both the environment and the consumer.


Hemp can exist considered in many ways zippo curt of miraculous. This sustainable and easily renewable resource is used for food, clothing, energy and shelter (yes shelter, hemp is also used in making building materials). It's no wonder why so many people and organizations accept become passionate about spreading the bulletin of hemp as a world saving plant! Supporting the growing hemp industry by purchasing apparel made from hemp can be considered past some a revolutionary act. I'k sure our founding fathers would concord, after all George Washington and Thomas Jefferson sowed hemp on their plantations! Make a statement and prepare an example past choosing hemp garments equally office of your business organization and/or wardrobe today!

The Author is the founder of Vayu, a grassroots company defended to creating eco clothes inspired by yoga and made from hemp fibers and organic cotton.

Source : www.ezinearticles.com